Friday, November 18, 2011


This, a poem,
springs lightly from my pen
but deeply from my being
as I move along one
of the golden arabesques
that trace paths through

Thus ... and ... so.

Guided by the lightest melody
a soft stirring of air
a child's laugh
the scent of lilacs
the taste of ripe plums
the tug of feeling in my heart and belly
a hummingbird's flight
the breath of God's spirit.

Now ... eternally.

If I always dwelt here
in the living flowing outer bark
of time...
the past enclosed within,
the future yet to grow ...
feeling, listening, seeing,
breathing in and out,
being and becoming,

Then would I be the most aware,
able to act,
interconnected with all,
part of the power and beauty
of the world.

1 comment:

  1. You dip your pen in a pot of inky black and cast forth words of wondrous, other-wordly shades and hues formerly known only by the angels.
